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The Games I Have Loved

The Games I Have Loved

· games

How taking time and money seriously ensures gaming joy, at least most of the time.

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How To Hire Engineers

How To Hire Engineers

· managing

Hiring engineers is horribly difficult, you either have to make a call on someone with a tiny window of visibility or create a lengthy process that puts people off. In this article I show you how to hit that sweet spot of teasing out whether a candidate has the desired skills and behaviors, without spending weeks getting there.

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Von Count

Von Count

· projects

We recently found need to count lines of our code, but with added context that things like `cloc` can't give us. Basically at a glance we wanted to see the use of certain features/components/libraries so that we could phase them out slowly over time and see progress 🧮.

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· projects

This week we have been working with remote APIs, Webhooks and OAuth. Those alone will be blogged about plenty in the future, but in doing this task we have bourne another mini project that we have found really useful.

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